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Personal Development Plan

Personal development plans (PDP) have been found to be of benefit to higher education students particularly in aiding them to plan for the future and to seek out new opportunities in order to further progress themselves to where they want to be (Chlebikova et al., 2015). Not only are they useful for skill development but also it is important to be able to discuss how the skills they have gained benefit them and how they can utilise them (Basset et al., 2015). This is essential to do as a level 7 student. 


I have further completed a SWOT analysis, the aim of this is for me to identify my strengths and weakness as well as how I may be able to overcome these in the future by exploiting opportunities and if there is anything limiting me from being able to achieve certain goals (Dyson, 2004). 




Basset, J., Gallagher, E. and Price, L. 2015. Personal Tutors’ Responses to a Structured System of Personal Development Planning: A Focus on ‘Feedback’. Journal for Education in the Built Environment. 9 (1), pp. 20-34.

Chlebikova, D., Misankova, M. and Kramarova, K. 2015. Planning of Personal Development and Succession. Procedia Economics and Finance. 26, pp. 249-253. 

Dyson, R.G. 2004. Strategic development and SWOT analysis at the University of Warwick. European Journal of Operational Research. 152, pp. 631-640.


Below I have Identified some of the skills I believe are required by:

1. A level 7 learner

  • Time management

  • Organisation 

  • Flexibility 

  • Ability to work independently and in a team

  • Sound understanding of academic writing, referencing etc.

  • Enthusiasm and motivation 


2. A Veterinary Physiotherapist

  • Dependable 

  • Ability to Empathise 

  • Time Management 

  • Good Communication Skills

  • High level of expertise in Animal Anatomy/physiology/rehabilitation

  • Sound understanding of running a business and being self-employed

  • Good understanding of applicable legislation 

  • Competent working alone

  • Decision making


And for both there will be much, much more!!


Swot Analysis


Work Experience

  • Experience in a high pressure time sensitive working environment 

  • Regular liaison with clientele from various different industries internationally  

  • Sound awareness of legislation/regulation due to role in civil service  


  • Previous education to undergraduate level in related animal field 

  • Previously completed a dissertation sponsored by a company  

  • On going study in other fields of practice such as regulatory compliance  


  • Ability to prioritise work load  

  • Experience working with a variety of people from different backgrounds and of varying knowledge levels 


Work Experience

  • Previous experience primarily with small animals and agriculture, minimal exposure to equines in recent years 

  • Not much experience liaising with pet owners  

  • Limited understanding on being self-employed and what it entails with regards to taxes etc..  


  • Anxiety about whether I have the ability to be successful on my own  

  • I find it hard to let things go, something that happened can be on my mind for a long time after 


  • Perform better in assignments typically than in examinations  

  • Limited knowledge of equine anatomy – completed only 1 module at university  


Further Learning 

  • Access to individual in the industry with extensive experience and knowledge  

  • Access to study material online and via written  

  • Attendance to online seminars 


  • Gain knowledge from peers with more experience in equine field 

  • Attendance of internal and external placement days  


  • Attend workshops on setting up a business via writtle  

  • Build confidence through gaining knowledge and experience  


Time commitment  

  • Working a full time job along side completing my study  

  • Trying to find time to also gain further practical experience particularly in equine industry  


  • Cost of purchasing equipment that will aid my practice 

  • Completion of further courses e.g. canine hydrotherapy 


  • Competing with other practitioners for business – anxious I may not stand out form the crowd  

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action plan 2.PNG

Additional Learning


To aid in further developing my skills and support my learning at university I have been participating in additional learning when I can commit time. These include:


  • Webinar: McTimoney Chiropractic for your best friend 

  • You go boss Seminars via Writtle (Starting a business)

  • Attendance at a work related Animal welfare and ethics committee 


In the future I also plan to complete:


  • ​Canine First Aid

  • Level 3 Diploma in Small Animal Hydrotherapy 

  • Biomechanics of the equine back with and without a rider (webinar 29/04/2021) 



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